The December People’s Choice Award goes to…

The people have spoken… The December People’s Choice Award goes to Alexis Standridge for her play Two Kitchens and a Bowl, presented as a staged reading at Monday Night PlayGround on December 19th live at the Freight & Salvage and simulcast via Vimeo Livestream. Congratulations, Alexis!

Courtesy of Alexis we’re pleased to share the first two pages from the award-winning script. Enjoy!

Two Kitchens and a Bowl
Alexis Standridge

GRANDMOTHER – Woman, 60s Puerto Rican. Joyful, full of life, mischievous.

MOTHER – Woman, 30s Puerto Rican. Pregnant, stressed, a bit desperate.

DAUGHTER – Woman, 30s. Stressed, overworked, clinging to memories.

HUSBAND – Man, 30s. Trying to be a help to his wife, understanding.

Note: Empanadillas pronounced Empa-na-di-yas.

They taste the best with olives and Tito Puente.

(A kitchen. Tito Puente plays. GRANDMOTHER enters, singing along to the song. She gathers materials for cooking.)

GRANDMOTHER – If my daughter wants to learn about my cooking she better appear in this kitchen before I die of old age!

MOTHER (From off) – Coming!

(DAUGHTER enters. She gathers materials for cooking. She sings along to the song, and for a moment, the same line at the same time as her GRANDMOTHER. MOTHER enters, very pregnant.)

MOTHER – Don’t start without me, I need to know what things you’re going to use.

(GRANDMOTHER sings louder, dancing. She tries to pull MOTHER to dance with her.)

MOTHER – No, no we need to cook, we don’t have time before the family arrives- Mom!

GRANDMOTHER – Be quiet and dance with your mother.

(They dance. HUSBAND enters with a paper invitation.)

HUSBAND – Honey, I need to ask you a question.

DAUGHTER – Did you know this is the same CD my grandmother used to play in the kitchen?

HUSBAND – That’s sweet. You should

DAUGHTER – My mom said they danced while she was pregnant with me, and my grandmother had to force her to stop so they could cook.

MOTHER – Alright okay that’s enough we have to get cooking.

DAUGHTER – No no no I get one more song with my daughter and my little grandbaby.

MOTHER – The family is on their way! Johnny and Tricia are already here!

GRANDMOTHER – Your brother can wait. The food will be done when it’s done.


DAUGHTER – If you’re trying to tell me that Aunt Tricia wants to offer another cooking suggestion, I already know.

HUSBAND – Um, no, it’s about the invite she sent to the family for tonight. But yeah, she also had a suggestion, about maybe using frozen dough…?

(DAUGHTER looks at the card. She’s mad.)

MOTHER – What do you think about Johnny’s new girlfriend?

HUSBAND – Okay, don’t get upset.

GRANDMOTHER – Tricia? Well, she’s…

DAUGHTER – Upset. Right, don’t get upset, but Auntie Tricia needs to get some sense knocked into her highlights before she even thinks so much as to offer a suggestion to a recipe she knows nothing about because it isn’t seeped in mayonnaise and served in a casserole dish from KMart- Ignorant, loud, in my way, in your way, in all of our way with a thinks-she-knows-best attitude while she printed the fucking Cuban flag instead of the Puerto Rican flag on her Christmas invitation for her Puerto Rican family she’s been married into for decades!

Join us for the next Monday Night PlayGround on January 16th! For more info, click here!