The November People’s Choice goes to…….

The people have spoken… The November People’s Choice Award goes to Melissa Keith for her short play, LOVE, PRAY, EAT, presented as a staged reading at Monday Night PlayGround on November 25th 2019, at Freight and Salvage. Congratulations, Melissa!

Courtesy of Ms Keith, we’re pleased to share the first two pages from the award-winning script. Enjoy!

Love, Pray, Eat
Melissa Keith

WANDA: A female praying mantis, many of her friends have already had eggs, but she really values all parts of the reproductive process, good friends with JACKIE, has a very larger-than-life, confident presence

JACKIE: A female praying mantis, many of her friends have already had eggs – although that’s not necessarily her primary concern, has a new relationship with LARRY she’s not quite sure of

DUDE 1*: a male praying mantis at the bar, young and conventionally attractive

DUDE 2*: a male praying mantis at the bar, young maybe a little hipster-y or nerdy, different looking than DUDE 1

LARRY *: A big, plump bumble bee. Klutzy, but full of joy, always looking for pollen *DUDE 1, DUDE 2 and LARRY should all be played by the same actor

Two praying mantis ladies, WANDA and JACKIE, are at a bar chatting, they’ve been out for a while. Their table is full of empty glasses and empty food baskets. JACKIE is polishing off one of the remaining baskets


It just pisses me off that she won’t even try to come out anymore, you know?


I know.


We always said the three of us were gonna be friends forever. We weren’t gonna let anything stop us from getting together – like jobs or babies or lizards, but then POOF as soon as she has a bunch of eggs she just up and disappears.


I mean, yeah, it sucks she’s not making much of an effort-


ZERO effort-


But like – it has to be hard right? Now that they’re a vulnerable cluster of eggs she has to protect them from like predators, and realistically is probably close to death after fulfilling her biological imperative. That’s gotta be exhausting.


Yeah yeah yeah. You know what else is exhausting? Looking this fine.


Haha full time job right there.


Someone’s gotta do it (they high-five with their whole front legs) Oh hey hey hey! How was that date last week-


Oh. My date? We don’t really need to talk-

(Dude enters) 


Whoa hold that thought, do you see the thorax on that dude? Check it out. Cronch level 4.

(JACKIE and WANDA move their heads left and right to make best use of their compound eyes)


Yeah not bad.


You kidding me? I’d like to eat that thorax with a side of salsa. I could put my whole mouth around that cronchy head and just tear it off and cronch cronch cronch cronch! (to DUDE) Hey! Hey you!




Yeah you, with that entrée for a head. Anybody ever tell you your head would look better chewed up and in my stomach?


Wow. Okay. I’m going now.


Awwwcome on, turn around and let me get a pick at that abdomen, maybe give it a little shake!


Gross, you’re disgusting.


Hey! You don’t want this, wear a hat, you slut! (to JACKIE) He wanted it. Sorry, where were we?


We can talk about something else-


Oh yeah! Your date! What did his insides taste like? Did they splorgle out?


I’m sorry – splorgle?


You know what I mean, like a juice volcano.

(WANDA demonstrates with her hands. JACKIE sighs) 


C’mooooon tell me. I need this right now – you see how my night has been.


You know I’ll like it, shut up. (chanted) Tell me how he died! Tell me how he died! Did he scream! Did he scream!


Join us for the Next  Monday Night PlayGround of the season on Monday, December16, at Berkeley Repertory Theatre  and choose your own favorite. Click here for more info.