How to Apply for the 4th Annual PlayGround Solo Fest

The PlayGround Solo Performance Festival is PlayGround’s annual celebration of the best in California solo performance. Now going on its fourth year, the next Solo Fest will take place January 22-February 7, 2021 via Zoom live stream, with nine double-bill performances over three weeks.


PlayGround invites submission of proposals by California-based artists for participation in the fourth annual PlayGround Solo Performance Festival, to take place online via Zoom live stream, January 22-February 7, 2021. PlayGround is interested in diverse voices and approaches, including storytelling, clowning, music, dance, multimedia, comedy, etc. In addition to new works by individual writer-performers, we are also interested this year in collaborations between separate writers and performers as well as adaptations of existing material in the public domain, historical biographies and/or historical events. BIPOC, trans/gender-nonconforming, and differently-abled artists encouraged to apply. Running time for proposed pieces can be up to 50 minutes without intermission.

PlayGround will select 6-12 performers to each receive up to 3 online public performances via Zoom live stream within the festival period (January 22-February 7, 2021). Performers will each receive 2 hours of technical rehearsal the week of January 18. PlayGround will provide the digital platform, socially-distant broadcast space on an as-needed/as-available basis, online front-of-house and technical staff, marketing, publicity, and box office services. Performers will receive a $100 per performance guarantee against 50% of adjusted gross box office receipts tracked to any and all personalized “Friends & Family” promotion codes provided to performer.

Proposals, due by 11:59pm on Sunday, November 15, must be submitted via Google Form at, and will include:

  • name and contact info;
  • union status (Equity performers are required to confirm use of self-producing waiver by the submission deadline);
  • brief bio(s) of principal collaborator(s);
  • author(s) of the proposed piece;
  • name of performer, if different than author;
  • synopsis of the performance piece;
  • production history (including development and any development partners);
  • online work samples (URL link for up to two (2) samples totaling no more than 4 minutes);
  • technical requirements (lighting, sound, projections, etc.);
  • detailed availability within the period January 18-24, 2021 (tech period) and January 22-February 7 (performance period, Fri-Sun eve only).

Submit proposals via Google Form at no later than 11:59pm on November 15, 2020 (Extended Deadline). Selections will be announced by November 30.