Monday Night Season 30

SEASON 30: 2023-24
October 16, 2023
Topic: Origin Story
Gothamopolisville and the NGA by Elizabeth Flanagan, directed by Norman Gee
Iván y El Justiciero by Justin P. Lopez, directed by Katja Rivera
The Aisle by Daniel Martinez Jr., directed by Tessa Corrie
Where Does a Piece of Paper Come From by Xinyuan Pu, directed by Claire Ganem
Madam Gorgo by Kimberly Ridgeway, directed by Jim Kleinmann
America Chavez: Particle Flyer by Lisa Gaye Thompson, directed by Soren Oliver
November 20, 2023
Topic: The Legacy of the Land We Inhabit
Indigo Dusk by Robyn Brooks, directed by Kimberly Ridgeway
Life on Mars by Sam Hurwitt, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Mom and Dad’s House by Sarena Kuhn, directed by Alan Quismorio
Acknowledgment by Justin P. Lopez, directed by Karina Guttierez
Fertile Soil by Bridgette Dutta Portman, directed by Jenna Stein-Corman
Acknowledgment by Louel Señores, directed by Linda Amayo-Hassan
December 18, 2023
Tom and Kat and The Journey of The Wonderful by Ruth Kirschner, directed by Emilie Talbot
Light Speed to New Years by Mikee Loria, directed by Khalia Davis
Off the Shelf by Daniel Martinez, Jr., directed by Norman Gee
Christmas Spirits by Bridgette Dutta Portman, directed by Nancy Carlin
The Negotiators by Kimberly Ridgeway, directed by Linda Amayo-Hassan
Zephyr by Michael Tuton, directed by Jim Kleinmann
January 15, 2024
Coronation Day by Jediah Craig, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Juliet’s Post Credits Scene by Greg Lam, directed by Jeunee Simon
The Antonio Play by Jennifer Le Blanc, director tba
Less than Noble by Kimberly Ridgeway, directed by Lana Richards
Queer (Shakes)Peer Support Group by Kaz Valtchev, directed by Ely Sonny Orquiza
The Selfish Atlas or How Hamlet Got His Groove Back by Christian Wilburn, directed by Emilie Talbot
February 19, 2024
Topic: FLASHBACK: 1994
Mom Overkill by Tejahra Jacobs, directed by Claire Ganem
Prop Fiction by Mikee Loria, directed by Nick Ishimaru
Diana Laura by Matthew Y. Morishige, directed by Ben Chau-Chiu
Better Unkept by Louel Señores, directed by Ely Sonny Orquiza
Mack & Mimi Encounter Totality by Lisa Gaye Thompson, directed by Molly Noble
Pulp Legislation by Maury Zeff, directed by GG Grilli
March 18, 2024
Bessie in Medias Res by Robyn Brooks, directed by Tanika Baptiste
The Elaborate Entrance of Delia Bacon by Jennifer Le Blanc, directed by Jim Kleinmann
Corazon y Alma by Richard Perez, directed by Elio Amadaor
Jocasta Regina by Bridgette Dutta Portman, directed by Katja Rivera
Freedom by Stan Stone, directed by Norman Gee
Welcome to the Club by Lisa Gaye Thompson, directed by May Liang
– People’s Choice Award winner